Historical Profile


The founder of Maseno School in 1906. He was missionary statesman With broad humanity and deep love and tolerance
for his fellow men. He gave the people of Kavirondo the first impetus towards formal education.

He was a teacher, translator and pastor to the people of Maseno. Through academically, progress was slow, century
later we are proud of this pioneer’s vision and the firm foundation he gave this institution.

Back then, great emphasis was laid on manual and technical training. Skills taught included carpentry, building,
printing, tailoring and telegraphy and clerical work.

The five solid classes you see serving to date were used by the school apprenticer from bricks made from the school. In 1912, he became Bishop of Uganda after Bishop Tucker. At his consecrations he was described as a “leader, young, dedicated and debonair to whom fellow missionaries could rally”
In deed, this came true for he was succeeded by several missionaries who steered the school over the years to
innumerable successes.

Rev. j. Britton
He was Maseno School’s second principal. He took the helm in 1917 and doubled up as the authority in charge of
Educational work in Kavirondo.His era saw the introduction of literary education in the school’s curriculum
alongside the earliest existing technical education.He left in 1926 to take up position in Nairobi as a secretary
to the CMS throughout Kenya.

Rev. J. C. Hitchen
He is on record for serving the shortest term in office as a principal. He took over the reins of the school from
Rev. J. Britton in February 1926, and served for only ten months till December in the same year. He proceeded to
start a Formal School In Butere in Current Butere Girls School.

Canon Stansfeld
Canon Stansfeld was not a school master but a doctor and clergyman. Came to Maseno in December 1926 at age 70. He
was an asset to the school dispensary. Affectionately called “Bwana Hornbill” he was loved by his students
especially for his reform on the diet and the swimming pool he had constructed the only one of its kind in East
Africa. The present Old Mackay House built during his tenure early in his first year in 1927, in honour of
Alexander Mackay, a Ugandan missionary.

Now housing forms 1B and Mackay House was originally two dormitories at the wings with a Central assembly hall and
a classroom.

Mr. E.-Carey Francis
Revolution in academic outlook in Maseno School came during the tenure of Carey Francis. It is during his era that
Maseno School made a move forward to become one of the Outstanding schools in East Africa in all aspects.
Jan 14th 1906- Maseno as mission center is established.

1906- Blue Gum trees imported from Western Australia by Fred Saville,one of the first missionaries brought by Rev.
S. Smiths.

1906- Maseno was built as a school for sons of chiefs with students being Onduko, Odindo, Owiti and Orao.

1911- Archdeacon Willis left to become Bishop of Uganda.

1920- Maseno used to train Africa teachers who could go out to teach their own people. Rev. J. C. Hitchen was in
charge. After the training the set of examination, in the revolution, called the village teachers’ Test and Certificate was issued.

‘Aparo Ngang’ Maseno’ was composed by Mrs. Britton to the Maseno School song of the tone of ‘Isa Gwine back of Dixie’- it’s now the Old Boys song.

1926- Maseno had three European teachers, three Senior Africa Teachers, and six Junior Africa Teachers attending to
the needs of 190 students.

1926- The shortest serving principal of Maseno School was Rev. H.C. Hitchen who served for ten months from February
to December 1926. Succeeded by Rev. Britton who in

1927- Maseno built one of the first swimming pool; (yes, swimming pool) with funds collected by Doctor Stansfeld,
who had a passion for hygiene and cleanliness. It was situated in a study grove where two streams flowing down
Bunyore hills meet. It has since disappeared, though the other can vaguely be seen. Location? The valley near the
school forest by the school games pitches!!!

Currently Maseno School has no pool yet it sends swimmers every year to the national schools.

Some of the first missionary teachers of Maseno

1. Rev. A Williams (1927 – 29)
2. Rev. F. H. White (1908 – 28)
3. R. L. Hull (1928)
4. H. F. Hodge (1930 – 33)
5. E. L. Bush (1932 –35)
6. A. W. Mayor (1933)
7. F. E. V. Ross (1930 – 35)

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